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A- A+ 时间2018-10-18 18:00:30  来源:成教信息网hz.crjy-edu.cn
摘要: 2018成人高考专升本《英语》考前提分练习题(一) 选择题 Mary __________ Tom with his lessons this time yesterday.

A. helped
B. was helping
C. were helping
D. had h







Mary __________ Tom with his lessons this time yesterday.

A. helped
B. was helping
C. were helping
D. had helping

2. Oh, you've had an accident, eh? When __________?

A. it happened
B. did it happen
C. it was happened
D. has it happened

3. When I went into the gym, he __________ a heavy weight.

A. lifted
B. was lifting
C. has lifted
D. was lifted

4. The more you practise, the greater progress you _________.

A. will make
B. have made
C. are making
D. have been making

5. We __________ TV when you return home from office.

A. shall watch
B. shall be watching
C. watch
D. shall have watched

6. The train from this station __________ on time.

A. never leaves
B. will never leave
C. leaving
D. was never leaving

7. Fetch a doctor. The wounded soldier __________.

A. was dead
B. did
C. is dying
D. has been dead

8. We __________ that you would be able to visit us.

A. hope
B. were hoping
C. have hoped
D. hoped

9. When I was at school, I ________ to the library every day.

A. go
B. went
C. was going
D. have gone

10. The customer ________ the money on the counter and went away.

A. lay
B. lied
C. laid
D. was laying

11. Everyone in the village ________ to become rich.

A. wishes
B. has wished
C. is wished
D. have been wishing

12. I ________ supper with my family back at home this time tomorrow.

A. am having
B. will have
C. will be having
D. have

13. "Oh, it's you! I ________ you. " "I've just had my hair cut, and I'm wearing new glasses. "

A. didn't recognize
B. hadn't recognized
C. haven't recognized
D. don't recognize

14. She wanted to know whether you ________ her.

A. will help
B. will be helping
C. would be helping
D. would help

15. I think I'll write Jim right now and tell him ________ with him.

A. I'll go
B. I've gone
C. I was going
D. I'd go

16. I won't be able to watch the program because I ________ my homework at that time.

A. shall have done
B. will do
C. shall be done
D. will be doing

17. My brother ________ while he ________ his bicycle and hurt himself.

A. fell; was riding
B. fell; were riding
C. had fallen;
D. had fallen; was riding

18. They were each ________ black shoes and stockings.

A. wear
B. wearing
C. wore
D. worn

19. "Hello, Mary, We haven't seen each other for years. What ________ now? " "I ________ at university"

A. do you do; have studied
B. are you doing; study
C. are you doing; am
D. are you going to do; am

20. Before long, he ________ all about what happened today.

A. will have forgotten
B. will have been forgotten
C. will forget
D. will be forgetting

21. I first met Lisa three years ago. She ________ at a radio shop at the time.

A. has worked
B. was working
C. had been working
D. had worked

22. "Your phone number again? I ________ quite catch it. "

"It is 9568442. "

A. didn't
B. couldn't
C. don't
D. can't

23. "Is this raincoat yours? " "No, mine ________ there behind the door. "

A. is hanging
B. has hung
C. hangs
D. hung

24. One of my old classmates ________ just as I ________ my room.

A. comes; left
B. came; was leaving
C. came; leave
D. was coming; left

25. "________ for Shanghai? ""Yes. And I will come back in two months."

A. Have you left
B. Are you leaving
C. Do you leave
D. Did you leave


It was a quarter past nine as Marie hurried into the office building where she was going to work. Her bus moved slowly along through __1_ morning traffic, making her a few minutes late for her very first job. She decided to start out half an hour earlier the next day.

Once inside the hall she had to stand at the elevators and wait several minutes 2 she could get on to go to the sixth floor. When she finally reached the office marked "King Enterprises", she knocked at the door nervously and waited. There was no answer. She knocked again, but still there was no reply. 3 inside the next office, she could hear the sound of voices, so she opened the door and went in.

Although she was sure it was the same office she had been in two weeks before when she had had the interview with Mr. King, it looked quite different now. In fact, it 4 looked like an office at all. The employees were just standing around 5 . At the far end of the room, somebody 6 have just told a good joke, she thought they were laughing because there was a loud burst of laughter as she came in. For a moment she had thought they were laughing at her.

Then one of the men looked at his watch, 7 his hands and said something to the others. Quickly they all went to their desks and, in a matter of seconds, everyone was hard at work. No one paid any attention to Marie. Finally she went up to the man who was sitting at the desk nearest to the door and explained that this was her first day in the office. Hardly 8 from his work, he told her to have a seat and wait for Mr. King, who would arrive 9 .Then Marie realized that the day's work in the office began just before Mr. King arrived. Later she found out that he lived in Connecticut and came into Manhattan on the 10 train every morning, arriving in the office at 9:35 a.m. , so that his staff knew exactly when to start working.

1. A. light B. heavy C. strong D. serious
2. A. since B. until C. after D. before
3. A. From B. Through C. At D. Over
4. A. much B. somewhat C. hardly D. roughly
5. A. chatting and smoked B. chatting and smoking
C. chatted and smoking D. chatted and smoked

6. A. should B. could C. might D. must
7. A. clapped B. touched C. felt D. shook
8. A. looking up B. looking for C. looking down D. looking out
9. A. at one moment B. at the last moment
C. at the moment D. at any moment
10. A. busy B. long C. same D. empty


Most children with healthy appetites are ready to eat almost anything that is offered them and a child rarely dislikes food 1 it is badly cooked. The 2 a meal is cooked and served is most important and an 3 served meal will often improve a child's appetite. Never ask a child 4 he likes or dislikes a food and never 5 likes and dislikes in front of him or allow 6 else to do so. If the father says he hates fat meat or the mother 7 vegetables in the child's hearing he is 8 to copy this procedure. Take it 9 granted that he likes everything and he probably 10 . Nothing healthful should be omitted from the meal because of a 11 dislike. At meal times it is a good 12 to give a child a small portion and let him 13 back for a second helping rather than give him as 14 as he is likely to eat all at once. Don't talk too much to the child 15 meal times, but let him get on with his food, and do not 16 him to leave the table immediately after a meal or he will 17 learn to swallow his food 18 he can hurry back to his toys. Under 19 circumstances must a child be coaxed 20 forced to eat.

1. A. if B. until C. that D. unless
2. A. procedure B. process C. way D. method
3. A. adequately B. attractively C. urgently D. eagerly
4. A. whether B. what C. that D. which
5. A. remark B. tell C. discuss D. argue

6. A. everybody B. anybody C. somebody D. nobody
7. A. opposes B. denies C. refuses D. offends
8. A. willing B. possible C. obliged D. likely
9. A. with B. as C. over D. for
10. A. should B. may C. will D. must

11. A. supposed B. proved C. considered D. related
12. A. point B. custom C. idea D. plan
13. A. ask B. come C. return D. take
14. A. much B. little C. few D. many
15. A. on B. over C. by D. during

16. A. agree B. allow C. force D. persuade
17. A. hurriedly B. soon C. fast D. slowly
18. A. so that B. until C. lest D. although
19. A. some B. any C. such D. no
20. A. or B. nor C. but D. neither


There are more than forty universities in Britain--nearly twice as many as in 1960. During the 1960s eight completely new ones were founded, and ten other new ones were created 1 converting old colleges of technology into universities. In the same period the 2 of students more than doubled, from 70,000 to 3 than 200,000. By 1973 about 10% of men aged from eighteen 4 twenty-one were in universities and about 5% of women. All the universities are private institutions. Each has its 5 governing councils, 6 some local businessmen and local politicians as 7 a few academics. The state began to give grants to them fifty years 8 , and by 1970 each university derived nearly all its 9 from state grants. Students have to 10 fees and living costs, but every student may receive from the local authority of the place 11 he lives a personal grant which is enough to pay his full costs, including lodging and 12 unless his parents are 13 . Most 14 take jobs in the summer 15 about six weeks, but they do not normally do outside 16 during the academic year. The Department of Education takes 17 for the payment which covers the whole expenditure of the 18 , but it does not exercise direct control. It can have an important influence 19 new developments through its power to distribute funds, but it takes the advice of the University Grants Committee, a body which is mainly 20 of academics.

1. A. with B. by C. at D. into
2. A. amount B. quantity C. lot D. number
3. A. more B. much C. less D. fewer
4. A. with B. to C. from D. beyond
5. A. self B. kind C. own D. personal

6. A. making B. consisting C. including D. taking
7. A. good B. long C. little D. well
8. A. ago B. before C. after D. ever
9. A. suggestions B. grades C. profits D. funds
10. A. make B. pay C. change D. delay

11. A. what B. which C. where D. how
12. A. living B. drinking C. food D. shelter
13. A. poor B. generous C. kindhearted D. rich
14. A. professors B. students C. politicians D. businessmen
15. A. at B. since C. with D. for

16. A. travel B. work C. experiment D. study
17. A. responsibility B. advice C. duty D. pleasure
18. A. government B. school C. universities D. committees
19. A. at B. to C. on D. from
20. A. consisted B. composed C. made D. taken


Who doesn’t love sitting beside a fire on a cold winter night? Fire is one of the man’s greatest friends, but also one of __1_ greatest enemies. Many big fires are caused by carelessness. A lighted cigarette thrown __2__ a car or a train window, or a broken bottle lying on dry grass can _3__ a fire. Sometimes a fire can start on its own. Wet hay can begin burning of itself. This is ___4_ it happens: the hay starts to rot and begins to _5__ heat which is trapped inside it. Finally, it bursts into flames. That is why farmers cut and store their hay when it’s dry.

Fires have destroyed __6__ cities. In the 17th century, a small fire which _7__ in a shop burnt down nearly every building in London. Moscow was set fire to during the war against Napoleon . this fire __8_ burning for seven days. Even today, in spite of modern fire-fighting_9__, fire causes a great deal of damage each year both in our cities and in the countryside. It has been widely __10 that fire is a good servant but a very bad master.

21. A. his B. its C. our D. their
22. A. into B. out of C. from D. over
23. A. happen B. light C. make D. start
24. A. what B. why C. how D. because
25. A. give off B. get out C. break out D. make out

26. A. no B. many C. small D. big
27. A. was B. is C. start D. began
28. A. lasted B. continued C. stopped D. began
29. A. methods B. researches C. studies D. engines
30. A. written B. asked C. forgotten D. said




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壹站传媒 负面删除处理 黑警投诉网 消费者投诉 揭阳网站建设 潮州建站 河源做网站 汕尾网站建设公司 梅州建站外包 肇庆网站搭建 汕头企业建站 韶关公司建站 中山建站 珠海网站建设 云浮公司建站 江门建站外包 茂名网站建设 阳江做网站 湛江网站建设 佛山网站建设公司 惠州做网站 东莞网站建设 深圳建站外包 广州网站建设 广东建站 外包网站建设 公司网站建设 企业网站建设 揭阳seo 潮州seo优化 河源seo排名 汕尾seo关键词优化 梅州seo 肇庆seo关键词排名 汕头seo外包 韶关seo优化 中山seo排名 珠海seo关键词优化 云浮seo外包 江门seo关键词排名 茂名seo排名 阳江seo外包 湛江seo关键词优化 佛山seo 惠州seo排名 东莞seo关键词排名 深圳seo外包 广州seo排名 广东seo优化 seo教程 seo优化 seo推广 seo外包 关键词排名 分类信息网 广州分类信息 深圳分类信息网 东莞分类信息 惠州分类信息网 湛江分类信息 软件神器 硇洲岛 广东成考 全日制大专 学历报名 深圳成考网 广州成考网 广东成考网 广东成考 蚂蚁森林刷能量 广东专升本 广东专升本 国家开放大学报名 负面处理 负面处理 负面处理 负面删除 负面删除 负面删除 负面删除 网络公关 网络公关 舆情监控 网络公关 舆情处理 网络公关 蚂蚁森林浇水 蚂蚁森林能量 一站传媒 技能网课 媒体发稿 广东自考网 广东成考网 广东在职考研 千知教育 广东招生网 广东自考网 广东成人高考 中国成人教育网

广东省 广州市 深圳市 珠海市 汕头市 佛山市 韶关市 湛江市 肇庆市 江门市 茂名市 惠州市 梅州市 汕尾市 河源市 阳江市 清远市 东莞市 中山市 潮州市 揭阳市 云浮市 河南省 郑州市 洛阳市 焦作市 商丘市 信阳市 周口市 鹤壁市 安阳市 濮阳市 驻马店市 南阳市 开封市 漯河市 许昌市 新乡市 济源市 灵宝市 偃师市 邓州市 登封市 三门峡市 新郑市 禹州市 巩义市 永城市 长葛市 义马市 林州市 项城市 汝州市 荥阳市 平顶山市 卫辉市 辉县市 舞钢市 新密市 孟州市 沁阳市 安徽省 合肥市 亳州市 芜湖市 马鞍山市 池州市 黄山市 滁州市 安庆市 淮南市 淮北市 蚌埠市 宿州市 宣城市 六安市 阜阳市 铜陵市 明光市 天长市 宁国市 界首市 桐城市 潜山市 福建省 福州市 厦门市 泉州市 漳州市 南平市 三明市 龙岩市 莆田市 宁德市 龙海市 建瓯市 武夷山市 长乐市 福清市 晋江市 南安市 福安市 邵武市 石狮市 福鼎市 建阳市 漳平市 永安市 甘肃省 兰州市 白银市 武威市 金昌市 平凉市 张掖市 嘉峪关市 酒泉市 庆阳市 定西市 陇南市 天水市 玉门市 临夏市 合作市 敦煌市 甘南州 贵州省 贵阳市 安顺市 遵义市 六盘水市 兴义市 都匀市 凯里市 毕节市 清镇市 铜仁市 赤水市 仁怀市 福泉市 海南省 海口市 三亚市 万宁市 文昌市 儋州市 琼海市 东方市 五指山市 河北省 石家庄市 保定市 唐山市 邯郸市 邢台市 沧州市 衡水市 廊坊市 承德市 迁安市 鹿泉市 秦皇岛市 南宫市 任丘市 叶城市 辛集市 涿州市 定州市 晋州市 霸州市 黄骅市 遵化市 张家口市 沙河市 三河市 冀州市 武安市 河间市 深州市 新乐市 泊头市 安国市 双滦区 高碑店市 黑龙江省 哈尔滨市 伊春市 牡丹江市 大庆市 鸡西市 鹤岗市 绥化市 齐齐哈尔市 黑河市 富锦市 虎林市 密山市 佳木斯市 双鸭山市 海林市 铁力市 北安市 五大连池市 阿城市 尚志市 五常市 安达市 七台河市 绥芬河市 双城市 海伦市 宁安市 讷河市 穆棱市 同江市 肇东市 湖北省 武汉市 荆门市 咸宁市 襄阳市 荆州市 黄石市 宜昌市 随州市 鄂州市 孝感市 黄冈市 十堰市 枣阳市 老河口市 恩施市 仙桃市 天门市 钟祥市 潜江市 麻城市 洪湖市 汉川市 赤壁市 松滋市 丹江口市 武穴市 广水市 石首市大冶市 枝江市 应城市 宜城市 当阳市 安陆市 宜都市 利川市 吉林省 长春市 吉林市 通化市 白城市 四平市 辽源市 松原市 白山市 集安市 梅河口市 双辽市 延吉市 九台市 桦甸市 榆树市 蛟河市 磐石市 大安市 德惠市 洮南市 龙井市 珲春市 公主岭市 图们市 舒兰市 和龙市 临江市 敦化市 江苏省 南京市 无锡市 常州市 扬州市 徐州市 苏州市 连云港市 盐城市 淮安市 宿迁市 镇江市 南通市 泰州市 兴化市 东台市 常熟市 江阴市 张家港市 通州市 宜兴市 邳州市 海门市 溧阳市 泰兴市 如皋市 昆山市 启东市 江都市 丹阳市 吴江市 靖江市 扬中市 新沂市 仪征市 太仓市 姜堰市 高邮市 金坛市 句容市 灌南县 海安市 江西省 南昌市 赣州市 上饶市 宜春市 景德镇市 新余市 九江市 萍乡市 抚州市 鹰潭市 吉安市 丰城市 樟树市 德兴市 瑞金市 井冈山市 共青城市 高安市 乐平市 南康市 贵溪市 瑞昌市 辽宁省 沈阳市 葫芦岛市 大连市 盘锦市 鞍山市 铁岭市 本溪市 丹东市 抚顺市 锦州市 辽阳市 阜新市 调兵山市 朝阳市 海城市 北票市 盖州市 凤城市 庄河市 凌源市 开原市 兴城市 新民市 大石桥市 东港市 北宁市 瓦房店市 普兰店市 凌海市 灯塔市 营口市 青海省 西宁市 玉树市 格尔木市 德令哈市 山东省 济南市 青岛市 威海市 潍坊市 菏泽市 济宁市 东营市 烟台市 淄博市 枣庄市 泰安市 临沂市 日照市 德州市 聊城市 滨州市 乐陵市 兖州市 诸城市 邹城市 滕州市 肥城市 新泰市 胶州市 胶南市 龙口市 平度市 莱西市 山西省 太原市 大同市 阳泉市 长治市 临汾市 晋中市 运城市 忻州市 朔州市 吕梁市 古交市 高平市 永济市 孝义市 侯马市 霍州市 介休市 河津市 汾阳市 原平市 晋城市 潞城市 陕西省 西安市 咸阳市 榆林市 宝鸡市 铜川市 渭南市 汉中市 安康市 商洛市 延安市 韩城市 兴平市 华阴市 四川省 成都市 广安市 德阳市 乐山市 巴中市 内江市 宜宾市 南充市 都江堰市 自贡市 泸州市 广元市 达州市 资阳市 绵阳市 眉山市 遂宁市 雅安市 阆中市 攀枝花市 广汉市 绵竹市 万源市 华蓥市 江油市 西昌市 彭州市 简阳市 崇州市 什邡市 峨眉山市 邛崃市 云南省 昆明市 玉溪市 大理市 曲靖市 昭通市 保山市 丽江市 临沧市 楚雄市 开远市 个旧市 景洪市 安宁市 宣威市 文山市 普洱市 浙江省 杭州市 宁波市 绍兴市 温州市 台州市 湖州市 嘉兴市 金华市 舟山市 衢州市 丽水市 余姚市 乐清市 临海市 温岭市 永康市 瑞安市 慈溪市 义乌市 上虞市 诸暨市 海宁市 桐乡市 兰溪市 龙泉市 建德市 富德市 富阳市 平湖市 东阳市 嵊州市 奉化市 临安市 江山市 广西 南宁市 贺州市 玉林市 桂林市 柳州市 梧州市 北海市 钦州市 百色市 防城港市 贵港市 河池市 崇左市 来宾市 东兴市 桂平市 北流市 岑溪市 合山市 凭祥市 宜州市 内蒙古 呼和浩特市 呼伦贝尔市 赤峰市 扎兰屯市 鄂尔多斯市 乌兰察布市 巴彦淖尔市 二连浩特市 霍林郭勒市 包头市 乌海市 阿尔山市 乌兰浩特市 锡林浩特市 根河市 满洲里市 额尔古纳市 牙克石市 临河市 丰镇市 通辽市 西藏 拉萨市 那曲市 山南市 林芝市 昌都市 阿里地区 日喀则市 宁夏 银川市 固原市 石嘴山市 青铜峡市 中卫市 吴忠市 灵武市 新疆 乌鲁木齐市 石河子市 喀什市 阿勒泰市 阜康市 库尔勒市 阿克苏市 阿拉尔市 哈密市 克拉玛依市 昌吉市 奎屯市 米泉市 和田市 塔城市 北京市 天津市 重庆市 上海市